
Müller, T., Giesa, H.-G., Anders, G. (2000):
"Evaluation of Airborne Data Link Communication",
Paper for BASYS Congress Berlin, In: Camarinha-Matos, L. M., Afsarmanesh, H., Erbe, H. H. (Eds.): "Advances in Networked Enterprises: Virtual Organizations, Balanced Automation and System Integration", CD-suppl. BASYSw2.3.pdf, Boston: Kluwer.


Paper (english, 11 pages) <2000_basyspaper.pdf> (553KB)


Evaluation of Airborne Data Link Communication

(Abstract:) An experimental prototype of a cockpit data link communication interface (modified Navigation Display (ND) and Multi-purpose Control and Display Unit (MCDU)) was developed and tested in an Airbus A340 Full Flight Simulator. 8 crews (16 professional pilots) performed simulator flights in a mixed voice and data link scenario. After each experiment video recordings were presented to the pilots and they were asked to estimate subjective strain (NASA task load index) and situational aspects (e.g. safety, economy) retro­spectively. Results show an increase in subjective strain and a decrease of ‘feeling of sovereignty’ and situation awareness under data link conditions. The effect is similar to the one caused by higher workload.

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