
Hüttig, G., Anders, G., Tautz, A. (1999):
"Mode Awareness in a modern Glass Cockpit",
Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Aviation Psychology, Volume 1, pg. 130 - 135, Columbus, OH, USA


Paper (english, 6 pages) <1999_ohiopaper.pdf> (569KB)


Slides (english, 9 slides) <1999_ohioslides.pdf> (141KB)


Mode Awareness in a modern Glass Cockpit

(Abstract:) Flight trials with airline pilots were conducted using an A330/A340 Full Flight Simulator (FFS) which is located at Berlin University of Technology. Under realistic flight conditions the monitoring behavior of experienced pilots was recorded by an eye movement measurement system to explore the display and panel scanning behavior. A more detailed analysis on a high resolution level of single flight parameters was performed for one pilot during repeatedly flown approach flights. Since his eye point of gaze data indicated a low portion of fixations on mode information of the automatic flight guidance system his monitoring behavior in the context of system data and crew actions has been investigated.

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